Sunday, January 16, 2011

Old Postal Jeep- back from when the USPS made money!

This is the jeep that I drove for many years- in fact, I had the last one in La Crosse for months, until they finally took it away.  It was rather small, but very functional.  Never got stuck in snow, good gas mileage, good for what it had to get done.  So, of course, Postal Management discontinued them! ("Movin' on up- to the top!")

I always liked mine.  Now, they have introduced little left hand drive standard vehicles, that are terrible vehicles for delivering mail- inefficient, slow, mail inaccessible from the drivers seat; actually, they are not set up for delivering mail at all!! (But, they are cheaper that way- nice decision Postal Management!!)

Just thought I'd reminisce about the old days, on this snowy, cold January Sunday morning.

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