Saturday, February 7, 2009

This iphone app will SAVE Western CIVILIZATION!!

There it is above- the Rosetta Stone of Western Civilization- 1.5 million classics of Western literature- BOOKS, if you will... books that describe and flesh out the bones of our civilization; the best books of all time! Free, convenient, and ready for your perusal!!

If you just go to the above Google site, and add google books as an app to your iPhone, you have access to 1 and a half MILLION books (currently), most in their original editions (I enjoyed the original Cruikshank illustrations to Oliver Twist), just in trying this thing out...

At first glance, it all seems like no big deal- books on your iphone? You can already get them at the library (after requesting them, checking them out, and/or waiting for them to arrive for days).

This is instantaneous! You're waiting in line, probably at some big-government agency, where they have cut back staffing to ridiculous levels, whilst simultaneously bloating the upper bureaucracy so much that the non-productive "managers" of said bureaucracy are getting in each other's way, bumping clipboards as they observe and track the civil service actual workers who really do the necessary work...

So, you are probably at the Post Office, or at the Dept. of Motor Vehicles, or some such:
SO, fire up your GOOGLE BOOKS APP on your iPHONE!!!!!

You can explore Western Civilization at your LEISURE- maybe, as you read F. Scott Fitzgerald, Dickens, or Pericles, you can figure out how we wound up so FAR from the wellsprings of our culture,and the prisoners of our own bureacracy!

I really believe, that this app might... (drumroll!) save reading!!

When we read online, we don't really read-
we just kind of... skim- scroll- bounce around like we're reading the newspaper. It's like hitting the memory button on an old radio, going from station to station until we find a song we like.

We never really listen to a single song from start to finish.

With Googlebooks, we are given the opportunity, AGAIN, in this modern frenetic age, to read a book from start to finish!! In bits and pieces...

You go to a book, choose it- and read a bit.

After the ONE postal window clerk, overburdened, has served several dozen customers, (whilst being observed and critiqued by 3 or four Postal managers with clipboards and unjustifiably bloated salaries), you will finally get to pick up your package at the window... AND, you will have read several pages of classic literature, to boot!!

The best part is this: the next time you are waiting at the Post Office, or perhaps the dentist's office... you can pick up right where you left off in the book!

Even if the light is dim, the well lighted iPhone display will pick up right where you left off!

I think this Google books is right there along with Guttenberg's moveable type.

But then, I'm just an old mailman.

And then, again: Pericles was just an old bureaucrat, as well.

We both think you should go to Google books, and get this app.

Not just for the future of Western Civilization: it's for YOU!!

Jay and Pericles

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