Sunday, August 28, 2011

USPS self-destructs! Treats customers like employees!!

The USPS has a long history of treating their employees...


But lately, out of desperation perhaps, they have started treating their customers... the SAME as they treat their employees!!


They now:

Force their employees to track how much postage due is at EACH ADDRESS!
SCAN via the ever-present SCANNER their every move!!
CUT actual real customer service WHENEVER POSSIBLE!

This is corporate suicide.

The USPS is a corrupt federal agency, bent on rewarding the people that cannot DO the actual craft work...

This is the ultimate result: they have promoted the LEAST able employees, rather than firing them, and now-

The LEAST able employees are now IN CONTROL of the entire USPS!!

They are now in the process of parcelling out the entire organization, for their own benefit.

 Left wing socialized control leads inevitably to this result:

1. Let's run things for the benefit of ALL!

2. For the benefit of ALL, we need more at CENTRAL!

3. You are all not doing ENOUGH!  We need more CONTROL!!

4.  You are REALLY not doing enough!  We need to have MORE REPORTS!

5. We need more SUPERVISORS!  Things are not working out- you guys are NOT WORKING HARD ENOUGH!!

6. You are definitely NOT producing enough for us at the top!
Their will be a doubling of supervision, and much more accountability!
In addition, their will be a tripling of management!!!

7. Things are NOT working out!
We need MUCH more management- individual autonomy is obviously an outdated concept...
We need a monarchy!

This is the endless progression to the left...

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