Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Steve Dahl is my saviour!

I don't mention it enough, but Steve Dahl, out of Chicago on JACK FM, is just as entertaining as can be!!

He and his sidekick, Buzz, keep me entertained on my mailroute on French Island- I listen via podcast, so it is one day late, but that doesn't matter one iota. (Well, maybe 1 iota, max!)

I recommend you download their podcasts- go to iTunes, and subscribe for FREE there for Steve Dahl.

Steve is like an FM, (as his AM doppelganger Rush Limbaugh would say), maggot infested, dope smoking, FM type... but, he is even more like an AM, suburban, all-too-clean and organized type of wanna-be AM type!

But, with a twist- he makes real sense, but not directly. You have to understand his "backstory" and sense of humor. (Hence: the reason why no one outside of Chicago and it's environs has any idea who he is!)

I'm from right around where he now lives in Suburban Illinois...
I escaped to Wisconsin, but enjoy hearing his "take" on my old stomping grounds.

I LOVE Rush, and I also love his "reluctant" twin, Stever! Thanks guys- I could not live without you BOTH!!

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Korean trip update!

As of July 1, 2008, your OLD MAILMAN and his daughter, Holly, will be enroute to KOREA for a trip sponsored by our Onalaska United Methodist Church, and its' Pastor Kim.

I am looking forward to singing with the Kimtones; and also hopefully the Kimettes. which include my daughter and Brianne Bertrang. We only need some good material... but, I'm working on that!

Stay tuned!!

Tumbling Tumbleweeds will be on the repetoire of the Kimtones... will Cowboy/girl songs also be on the Kimettes songlist??

Only time will tell- STAY TUNED!!

Cowboy Jay

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