Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My Brother, the hero- Dan Bowers!

Dan Bowers is a hero!
A letter written to Hillwood country club:

Senior Staff: a quick story - yesterday I got a call from a Charles Fach, an 80 year old man who fell on a sidewalk yesterday near Centennial Hospital and hurt himself pretty badly . He told me several cars drove by and one stopped. The young man (our own Dan Bowers) got some towels out of his car - righted the man - comforted him - calmed him down - stopped some bleeding - put him in his car - took him to Centennial - took him in - helped him get checked in and stayed with him until the professional care kicked in - wished him well and went on about his business - - - Mr. Fash told me that he will never, ever forget the kindness, care and concern Dan showed him and he wanted me to know we have a very special man on our team - - Well, we already knew that but, this is really what its all about and I wanted to share that story - - be sure to "high five" Dan the next time you see him. Charles pls let Dan know that we know and he is appreciated. Thanks, Wally

My brother Dan was always a good kid... and a good adult, as well!

I've always been proud of you, Danny!

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