Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A new addition on Moos/Wendtland Road

Tomorrow, I will include an update photo, with eggs on the windows of Moos Manor, and our smashed mail box...but maybe I'm mistaken: there may be roses under the sign, and baskets of gold coins left in the mailbox!

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Carolyn and Phil aka "BigBandPhil" photos

The Dean Hudson Orchestra, starring the Sherry Sisters, and BigBandPhil on trombone!
Here is my mom, Carolyn Bowers just a few short years ago... along with her sisters, Paula and Janie.
They were Mantheys then, in the Sherry Sisters vocal group! My mom is in the middle; Paula to her left, Janie to her right.

Next, below we find Philip Bowers, aka "Big Band Phil" (left!), and Carolyn, posing with their favorite tennis rackets, and Phil's favorite tennis shirt. I believe that is a painting of me playing tennis to their immediate right, depicting the informal match where I, Jay Bowers, trounced Bjorn Borg at Stone Park tennis courts, in La Grange Park, Illinois.
Afterwards, in celebration, Bjorn, myself and David Hasslehoff; another LTHS alum, "cruised" Tops Big Boy hamburger joint in celebration of my win.
Here are Paula, Carolyn, and Janie at a later date.
Here is a typical weekend day for "Big Band Phil", enjoying his favorite things... and favorite shirt!
Here is another photo of Big Band Phil, playing his trademark King trombone! (A rare photo of him playing without using his foot...)
Carolyn, my mom, is in the hospital recovering today from knee replacement surgery. All of her eight (8!) children wish her a speedy recovery... especially child #1, who is me!

We love you, Mom!

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