Friday, February 1, 2008

Sailing Club / Nelson Park


I have become intrigued with Nelson Park, aka the Sailing Club on the Northernmost tip of French Island. It seems that, since the early 1950's, when Lake Onalaska was first made, the sailboat club was formed.

Go check out the link above- it sure got ME interested in:

A. Sailing in Lake Onalaska
B. Lake Onalaska
C. Eating lunch in Nelson Park (which I now do, almost daily- nice, nice view!)

I'll tell you- I'm sitting in my beautiful, red white and blue postal truck, eating away...

and trucks, and cars, drive around and through it, like a parade!

This is especially unusual, since the temperatures are in the sub-zeros!!

A park has to be really enticing to draw a stream of visitors in the dead of Winter!

I am so enticed, that I am thinking of getting a sailboat myself, just to experience another phase of the beauty of the area!

My neighbor has a sailboat, I have discovered, and is amenable to take me out on it... he also windsurfs there, so maybe I'll also try THAT.

The point is that, even when you just switch routes, sometimes that results in a drastic lifestyle change as well!

See you on the river!
