Sunday, January 25, 2009

Standing on the Promises

Here are the Blufftones, singing a classic hymn this morning at the Onalaska United Methodist Church- "Standing on the Promises".

Although missing two of our strongest singers, I think the somewhat "softer" sound we achieved suited the hymn very well!

I've always wanted to just get up with the guys holding the red hymnal, and sing out right from the book, simply and in a (hopefully) heartfelt manner.

The "secret" to making the hymnal work for an all men's group is to take the second or "alto" part, and sing it an octave up- this gives a wider range, and a more "barbershop" like sound.

If the quartet was mixed men and women, they could just sing through the hymnal as written...

I sure wish there was more harmony singing done, it is so beautiful!

I think Jane did a great job filming as well!

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