The first REAL day of SPRING 2008!

So, since I also had THE DAY OFF!, I did what any old mailman would do...
I went to Best Buy, and got a new power supply cord for our old DELL laptop! (Yes, the one Holly used for SIMS exclusively for a few years).
ALL that this computer needed, a Windows laptop, was the power supply cord... for this it had been sitting unused for about a year, under the couch??
My bad.
I'm actually writing this blog update FROM this old, given-up-for-dead laptop! AND, I took that miraculous photo of my truck's hood today, and uploaded it to this laptop...
Anyway, what do you think that old Ford logo from 1962 is supposed to represent? To me, it kind of looks like a superhero emblem...
My new identity- Old Electro Ford Mailman
Not really... but I did enjoy driving my truck to choir practice tonight! As I also enjoyed grilling the pork roast beforehand! AND eating it!
It is so great Spring is finally here- IT HAS BEEN THE WORST WINTER EVER!!
Your old mailman
Not really... but I did enjoy driving my truck to choir practice tonight! As I also enjoyed grilling the pork roast beforehand! AND eating it!
It is so great Spring is finally here- IT HAS BEEN THE WORST WINTER EVER!!
Your old mailman
Labels: coulee region, Ford truck electroman, old mailman
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